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Design Sprint Emotional Rollercoaster

A tool for Design Sprint Facilitators to monitor and manage their team's emotional journey, ensuring sustained engagement, focus, and successful outcomes.

Design Sprint Emotional Rollercoaster
Why it matters?

It helps facilitators keep the team healthy and motivated throughout the sprint. By identifying and addressing emotional ups and downs early, facilitators can prevent burnout and frustration.

Learn more about the Emotional Rollercoaster

How to use the Design Sprint Emotional Rollercoaster?

Before the Design Sprint

This helps the team understand what emotions they might feel during the sprint. By setting these expectations early, facilitators can create a supportive environment where everyone feels prepared to handle the challenges together. This builds trust and helps the team work more effectively.

During the Design Sprint

As the team works through different phases, like understanding the problem and testing their solutions, they mark their emotions on the timeline. This helps the facilitator see how the team is feeling and make adjustments, such as adding breaks or offering support. This ensures the sprint runs smoothly and effectively.

Emotional Rollercoaster - A3 on the wall

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Start using the Emotional Rollercoaster to keep your Design Sprint team engaged, motivated, and on track for success.