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Design Sprint Retrogram

A 1-hour virtual workshop for teams to reflect on their design sprint experiences, analyze outcomes, and strategize for future improvements.


The Design Sprint Retrospective Workshop is your essential tool for reflecting on past sprints and improving future ones. This workshop helps teams identify what worked, what didn’t, and how to optimize processes moving forward.

Learn more about Design Sprint Retrospective

How to use the Design Sprint Retrogram

Timing & Participants

Schedule the Design Sprint Retrogram Workshop within a week after the sprint ends, while experiences are still fresh. It's important to include all sprint participants, even those involved briefly, along with the Deciders.

Identify Key Learnings

Start by identifying the most critical lessons from your last sprint. With guided prompts and tools, the Retrogram Workshop helps your team articulate both successes and challenges.

Analyze & Prioritize

Facilitators guide the team through a structured analysis to prioritize the most impactful insights. This step ensures that you’re focusing on the most crucial areas for improvement.

Develop an Action Plan

Turn your insights into a concrete action plan. The Retrogram Workshop helps your team create a roadmap for implementing changes in the next sprint, ensuring continuous growth and improvement.

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