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The 4U Workshop for Problem Prioritization

Compare problems or ideas across four critical dimensions—Unworkable, Unavoidable, Urgent, and Underserved—and make informed decisions about where to focus your innovation efforts.

What is the 4u framework

The 4U —Unworkable, Unavoidable, Urgent, and Underserved— is a strategic tool designed to help innovators, product managers, and business leaders prioritize problems based on their significance and impact.

Learn more about the 4U

How to use the 4U Framework

Early Discovery Phase

In the early discovery phase, begin by brainstorming potential problems or opportunities. Then, assess each issue using the 4U criteria. Focus on issues that score high on multiple criteria, as these are likely the most critical.

Strategic Level Decision-Making

Apply the 4U framework to compare multiple ideas or solutions. Ensure that the prioritized issues align with the organization's long-term objectives. This will help your key stakeholders align better and make informed decisions.

Innovation Challenges or Hackathons

Sponsors and key stakeholders can leverage the 4U Framework during hackathons or innovation challenges to identify and prioritize which challenges to tackle. By focusing on problems that are unworkable, unavoidable, urgent, or underserved, the framework helps ensure that resources are directed towards the most impactful opportunities.

Building Product Roadmaps

When building your product roadmap, evaluate potential features or problems using the 4U framework. This will help you prioritize development efforts and ensure that your product addresses the most critical needs for both the business and the customer.

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