Design Sprint Method Cards

Expertly crafted method cards for facilitators, offering clear, step-by-step guidance to run seamless 4-day design sprints.

17 sprint activities
Clear & Focused
Practical Examples

Why You’ll Love These Cards

Your go-to resource for quick, easy-to-follow instructions, designed to keep you on track and ensure every sprint activity is a success.

With concise instructions, you’ll quickly understand the “why,” “what,” and “how” of each sprint activity.
Each card provides step-by-step guidance, ensuring you know exactly what to do at every stage of the sprint.
Created by seasoned facilitators, these cards include the essential elements you need—purpose, examples, and facilitation tips.
Designed for quick scanning, they’re perfect for when you need fast guidance in the moment.

What's inside

17 Method Cards

The method cards are organized into groups of exercises, each tailored to a specific day in the design sprint process. From understanding the problem on Day 1 to user testing on Day 4, each card provides the essential steps for that stage of the sprint, ensuring that you stay on track and lead your team with confidence.

Example: Lightning Talks in Action

For example, on Day 1, the Lightning Talks card helps kick off the sprint by aligning the team around a shared understanding of the problem. Each team member gives a short presentation to introduce new perspectives, challenge assumptions, and uncover blind spots. The card guides you through how to facilitate the session, from setting up a Rose, Thorn, Bud grid for feedback to organizing insights into themes for a more focused discussion.

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How will these cards help me during a sprint?

These cards act as your facilitation cheat sheet, providing quick, step-by-step guidance at every stage. Whether you need to refresh your memory on a specific exercise or quickly guide your team through a session, the cards give you everything you need to run a smooth, effective sprint.

What makes these cards different from other resources?

The Design Sprint Method Cards were created by expert facilitators with years of experience. They are easy to scan, provide all the right elements (why, what, how), and are designed specifically for facilitators who need to keep things moving efficiently.

Can I use the cards if I’m new to design sprints?

Absolutely! The cards are designed to be approachable and clear, making them perfect for both newcomers and seasoned facilitators. Even if you’re new to the process, the step-by-step instructions will help you run your sprint with confidence.

Do the cards cover the entire sprint process?

Yes, the cards cover the full design sprint process, from Lightning Talks and Empathy Maps to Prototyping and User Interviews. Each day’s activities are represented, so you can smoothly navigate from problem framing to user testing.

Design Sprint Method Cards
€ 79 EUR