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The Problem Framing Canvas

A structured tool for product managers and innovators to efficiently identify and define customer-focused business opportunities.


The Problem Framing Canvas helps product managers and innovators structure their understanding of a problem by simultaneously focusing on its business value and customer benefit. This tool clarifies what you know about the problem and highlights the gaps, making it easier to identify where to focus your efforts.

Learn more about the Problem Framing Canvas

How to use the Problem Framing Canvas

Start Where You Are

Begin by identifying your current starting point, whether it's an idea, solution, problem, or need. Document everything you know to create a clear baseline for your exploration.

Look at the Context

Context is crucial. Understand the past and present to ensure your approach is well-informed. Analyze the business and customer contexts to identify key factors influencing the problem.

Focus on Business & Customer Perspectives

Use the canvas to explore the business value and customer benefit simultaneously. This dual focus helps in identifying critical aspects and gaps.

Iterate & Refine

As you fill out the canvas, continuously refine your understanding by considering different scenarios and testing assumptions. This process will lead to a more comprehensive and actionable problem statement.

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